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      I wish to reduce the influence of money in politics. I will do this by introducing as many aspects of the American Anti-Corruption Act (AACA) to the floor of the legislature as possible.
      Although beginning with the foresight of representation for the masses, this country's political strategy seems to have degenerated into a "if you can pay you can play" policy.  This is no more evident than in our 2-party duopoly which is inherent in fomenting corruption.
      This systemic corruption takes the power from the people and delivers it into the hands of the wealthy, corporate structure of our country.  By having only two parties, both the Democrats and Republicans can be easily manipulated for favorable economic gain by corporate leaders and special interest groups through large monetary donations to their parties, their political action committees, and their lobbying interests.  Moreover, the general population is effectively divided and/or appeased by the two major parties using "red-herring" issues which result in table scraps for the working people compared to the enormous benefits reaped by the wealthy and by corporate America.  The result is that the lowest 90% of income workers get no government representation.
       Being an independent candidate, I offer a representation based not on the money flowing into my (or a party's) coffers, but an unsolicited view on issues affecting our daily lives.  As a demonstration of this ideal, I am refusing any monetary donations to either myself or my campaign.  Your volunteer time and your vote, however, would be graciously accepted.

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